What a happy baby! Look at him smiling in his dreamland; I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE newborn photo-shoots. Blue and green are my favorite baby boy colors and it looks great on Grant!
I know I haven't been posting pictures lately but it's been super busy! I just couldn't resist posting some of baby Ivan, he's so new and cuddley! I can't decide if I like black and white or color, what do you think? Congradulations Lacey and Seth!
I am a custom wedding, children, and family photographer. I love what I do: it's exciting, gratifying, and thearaputic. My husband, Johnny, has inspired and enabled me to be the best I can be and our two sons are my are creative muses!
I get my inspiration from clothing and props. A lot of my photography is based on outfits that have been dancing around in my head for weeks. I wait for some beautiful natural light and then I take my son out and let him run around in that cool cape of his and his underwear. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, hats and cranium attire. You can change the whole mood of a photo with a sassy hat or shiny scarf. So check out the list [below] of some of my favorite venders.